Our Services

What we do:

Garden Maintenance 




Weed control

Pest control

Pruning and tree care

Planting and plant care

Organic vegetable gardening


Construction of garden beds, retaining walls, paths, trellises, ponds, and other garden features.

Garden Design 

We can design your garden from scratch or, even better, we will help you steadily convert your existing garden into a work of Nart.

We will work with you to design the perfect garden for your taste, budget and environmental conditions.

We will provide you with a plan and a budget for each stage of the design.

Contact us now to book a free 30 minute consultation.

How we do it:

Chemical-free weed and pest control techniques.

Synthetic herbicides and pesticides upset natural ecosystems, can damage the soil and can be toxic to humans and other animals. At La Gare de Nart, we use highly effective chemical-free weed and pest control techniques that are based on an understanding of plant and animal life-cycles and ecology.

Chemical-free soil management.

Synthetic Fertilizers can upset the balance of nutrients and minerals in the soil. La Gare de Nart ensures a healthy, balanced soil by composting, mulching and the use of natural fertilizers when necessary. Our soil management system is based on an understanding of plant and animal biology, soil chemistry and nutrient cycles.

Efficient water use.

We use garden zoning, appropriate and creative plant choices, and efficient irrigation systems to ensure effective water use. This allows all plants in your garden to thrive regardless of their water requirements, but still minimises your water bill.

Environmental Care.

Green waste is minimised by composting and reuse of all waste plant material.

Where possible, reused materials are utilised. This not only contributes to waste mitigation but also saves you money.

We avoid the use of cement and, if necessary, use alternatives to cement. Cement is the single most produced synthetic material in the world and its production creates more carbon emissions than burning fossil fuels.

Why we do it.

At La Gare de Nart, we believe that by working with nature rather than against it, we can each make a small difference to the many environmental challenges facing us today.

“Many small people, in small places, doing small things can change the world.” – Eduardo Galeano